11/3/07 Under the Hood Well, the weather was
awful on
Sunday, October 21st, so I didn't get to do my second solo cross
country. I really tried, even go so far as going to the airport to see
if the clouds would lift by the time I got there. They didn't, so I
didn't. The next weekend, I was at an RV Assembly Workshop (which you
can read about here),
so no flying the last day of October.
October just wasn't the month for flying. We got 15 inches of rain in October this year, when a normal year is 5 inches. So I wanted to get another lesson in before I attempted another solo cross country flight. When I arrived, Mike asked me what I wanted to work on. I have been adding up my hours to see what I still needed to do before my checkride. One of the things I need more time on is my instrument flying. I only have 1.6 hours of instrument flying, and 3 are required, so I wanted to spend as much time as possible today under the hood to get closer to finishing that part up. We took off and headed to the practice area. As soon as we turned west, Mike had me put the hood on. Then we did some basic manuevers; holding altitude, flying a heading, etc. Once we got out to the practice area, we did some ADF practice on an AM radio station in Belle Glade. Then we did some unusual attitudes, so I could practice that. Mike did one climbing situation, and one decending. No covering up instruments this time, so it was pretty easy. Next, we did some navigating using the Pahokee VOR. We followed some radials towards the station and then away from them. The last thing we did was try shooting the ILS approach to North County. I didn't do very well, but it was interesting practice. The weather today was great, but a little windy. That was what made my approach so hard, as I wasn't properly compensating for it. So the first good weather in two weeks, and I spend the entire time under the hood! We did get 0.8 of an hour of instrument, so now I only need 0.6 more. I will get that as part of the normal practice for the checkride. One thing I noticed during my lesson, was I really am starting to feel comfortable in the plane. Even though I couldn't see out the window, and didn't control the plane particularly well only on the instruments, I think my body has finally decided that the plane is not going to fall out of the sky. Intellectually, I knew this, but I was always nervous I was going to do something wrong that would be very bad. So that was a nice feeling to finish doing something that is supposed to be difficult and stressful, and still feel pretty good about it. I have re-scheduled my second solo cross country for tomorrow. The weather looks like it will be better than today, so I am excited that it will probably happen. I am going up to Melbourne with stops at Stuart and Ft. Pierce airports, and then back to North County. This will give me more cross country time and get my three full stop landings at a control tower airport out of the way. ![]() 11/4/07 Intermediate Solo Cross
Country So today was the day to try and fly my
second solo cross country. I tried two weeks ago, but was weathered out.
The weather today, however, could not be better. No clouds in the sky and
10 miles visibility. I wouldn't be dodging clouds today!
My day started with Mike calling me just as I was getting up. Apparently, he forgot to set his clock back (we went off of DST today) and was already at the airport. I told him I just got up and would see him in an hour like we originally planned! Before I left for the airport, I checked the weather online and called Flight Service. Both agreed that today was a good day to fly. When I got to the airport, Mike and I reviewed my flight plan. I had used an Excel spreadsheet to do the calculations for me this time (instead of doing them all by hand and writing out the flight plan) and I wanted to see how it worked. The one advantage of needing an endorsement to fly cross country flights is that you get an opportunity to discuss any last minute issues or questions you have with your instructor. I had a few about how to handle some control tower communications and how to fly around some airspace. Everything looked good, so Mike endorsed my logbook for the flight. I went out and pre-flighted the plane. The oil level was fine, but on the low side. Since I knew I would be flying for several hours today, I added a quart of oil. I didn't have a funnel, so I had to be very careful pouring it down the spout. I did pretty good, with only a few drops missing the intended target. Just as I finished, Mike came out with another student. He told me that they just replaced a gasket on the plane, and were worried that there still might be an oil leak, so he had me go grab another quart of oil to take with me. I got in the plane and got everything organized. I even tuned the standby frequencies in the radios for my first stop before I started the engine. Then I started it up and my next adventure began. I was feeling pretty good about this flight, and felt like I knew what I need to do. The syllabus called for a flight to Vero Beach with three full stop landings and then returning to North County. Mike told me, and I confirmed it with a couple other people at the flight school, that one of the examiners didn't consider it a cross country flight. Cross country flights are defined as flights 50 nm or greater, and Vero is only 49.6 nm away. So I knew I couldn't go to Vero, but I wanted some experience flying the east coast of Florida, since I will be flying this area a lot. I looked on the map, and the next control tower airport was Melbourne (about 73 nm away). I also didn't feel like doing all of my control tower landings at the same airport, so I planned for stops at Stuart (because I've gone there a couple of times with Mike already), Ft. Pierce (because it is a popular airport around here), and finally Mebourne. Then I would head straight back. The wind was out of the north, so I would have a headwind on the way up, and a tailwind on the way back. I took off from runway Three One, and headed for Stuart. I kept a close eye on the chart to make sure I didn't miss it. I planned to fly to Stuart at only 1500 feet, since it is only 20 miles from North County I didn't want to spend all my time climbing just to come right back down. Although it wasn't cloudy, it was hazy and I was afraid I wouldn't be able to see the airport. I got about 10 miles from the airport I listened to the automated weather and then called the control tower to tell them I was coming in for a landing. They answered me and told me to land on runway Three Zero. About that time the airport came into view and I headed for the correct runway. While I was on my way in, the tower cleared a couple planes to take off and land on runway Three Four. I was a little confused, so I called the tower to confirm I was landing on Three Zero. He said I was, but I could land on Three Four if I wanted to. I told him I was fine with Three Zero. I came in for a landing, and it was pretty good. I think I land this thing better when I am alone than when someone is there to see me! I contacted ground and taxied back for takeoff. Once in the air again, I headed north to Ft. Pierce. This airport was another 20 miles away, so I only had about 10 minutes to get everything organized for the next landing. I repeated basically the same sequence as before, including another nice landing on Runway Three Two. As I was taking off , I realized I had forgotten to turn the carb heat on for my last two landings. I didn't have any carb ice, so no harm done, but I needed to pay closer attention. Since Vero Beach airport is almost adjacent to the Ft. Pierce airport, I wouldn't have enough distance to climb above 2500 feet to get over the Vero Beach airspace. Instead, I headed west until I hit the turnpike, which is well outside the Class D airspace of Vero Beach. Then I turned north toward Melbourne. I had about 20 minutes before I reached Melbourne, so I relaxed a little bit and looked out the window. It was still hazy, but I think the visibility was a little better than when I first took off. I brought my camera along and managed to get one picture on the way up. This is Sebastian Airport, and uncontrolled (or the more politically correct, pilot-controlled) airport about halfway between Ft. Pierce and Melbourne. Once I got on my base leg, I turned the carb heat on and told the control tower. I was cleared to land on Two Seven Left. That is the big runway. The wind was still out of the north, and this was a west heading runway, so I knew I would have to do a crosswind landing. There was another plane behind me as I was on short final, but he was obviously a much faster plane than me, so he had to go around. My landing was not real great here, as I kind of dropped the last foot down to the runway. Oh well, two out of three is still pretty good! At this airport, I planned on stopping for a few minutes to go to the bathroom and stretch my legs. Once I was talking to ground, I told them to send me to the closest FBO. The closest one was FIT Aviation. This is part of the Florida Institute of Technology. They have an aviation program and this is where the students do their flight training. I went to the bathroom and got a soda and a candy bar out of the machine. I checked the weather (still good!) and wandered around for about 15 minutes. Then I headed back out to the plane for the trip home. I meant to take a picture, but once I started getting ready for the return flight, I forgot. The Melbourne airport is a Class D airport, the same as Stuart, Ft. Pierce, and Vero Beach. But this airport is pretty busy, and I say a couple regional jets take off while I was getting ready to leave. They also have a normal terminal, like all the big airports do. Once I was ready, I started the plane and called ground control. They sent me to the same runway for departure. I took off and headed south. As I turned south, I looked up and saw an military jet about 1000 feet above me heading north. I think there is a military base near here. If I was thinking, I would have taken a picture of that, too. I got on course and climbed to about 3000 feet. I tried to call Miami Center for flight following, but they didn't answer me back. That happens when they are too busy to deal with me, but I also thought maybe I wasn't high enough to reach them. In any case, I just used "see-and-avoid" back to North County. At around 3000 feet, it was a little rough. I think there was some wind shear between the slower surface winds and the faster winds aloft. I thought about climbing up higher, but I was afraid my visibility to the ground would be worse because of the haze. Later, Mike told me that wasn't the case, and I could have climbed out of the haze. I also am having a small, unreasonable fear of a midair with another plane. I know that is crazy, but I am afraid I won't see another plane it time. I talked with Mike after the flight, and he said with weather like today, I would see another plane from a long ways off. That is probably true, and this may be something that just goes away once I have a little more experience. I am going to try and not let this bother me. Anyway, here are a few pictures I took on the way back:
Once I tied down the plane, I went back in the office, and Mike was waiting for his next student. While he was waiting, we talked about the flight. Overall, I told him that it was a stress-free flight. I was not as worried as I was on my first cross country, and I really had no problems working with the control towers. When I started, it was one of my concerns, since I was afraid I wouldn't know what to say or do. But there is really no trick to it. You just tell them what you want to do, and the controllers tell you how to do get it done. I really felt like I was starting to get the hang of this. Mike said that was a good sign I was getting close to my checkride. I really am, as I only have to complete my long cross country flight and 0.6 hours of instrument flying. Everything else is just practice for the checkride. My next lesson is Saturday, and if the weather holds, I will do my long cross country flight next Sunday. I am going to fly to Okechobee airport, Ft. Myers, and then back. It should be another fun flight. ![]() 11/10/07 The Beginning of the End The basic plan for preparing for the checkride is to go fly the maneuvers with Mike, and then let him tell me what I need more practice with. Then I will go up alone and practice. This process is repeated until I can pass the checkride. When I arrived, Mike was up in 41Hotel with another student. The lesson went a little long, and we spent some time chit-chatting before we headed out to the plane. On the way out to the plane, we stopped to look at the new Liberty XL the flight school just got. Mike is the only one who has flown it so far, so he was telling me about it. Pretty interesting, but I don't think I would buy one (personal opinion). Anyway, by the time I got the flight plan, it was already 3:20 pm, and I only scheduled the plane until 4:00. Luckily, no one had the plane after us, so we could use it as long as needed. We started up the plane and did a soft field takeoff on runway Three One. Then we headed out to the practice area. I don't think I have been out there in over a month! The first thing we did was work on S-turns across a road. The first ones I did were pretty rough, although I did manage to keep my elevation and speed within the PTS (Practical Test Standards. I will use this abbreviation a lot, so remember it). But my ground track was not very good. Mike showed me how to do it once, and that helped. It also helped that we realized the wind was not blowing directly from the north, and we found a better road. This road was short, though, so we could only do one S-turn before we got to the end of it. After that, we worked on turns around a point. Once again, although I met the elevation and speed specs, my ground track was more egg shaped than circular. We did quite a bit of practice with those, and they did improve by the end. I'm not sure if either my S-turns or my turns around a point are good enough yet. Then we headed back to get some landing practice in. This is also something I haven't done in a while, other than my normal landings at the end of the cross countries. The first landing we did was a normal one. Mike noticed right away that I was starting the roundout too high. I think this might have been what was happening with my last several landings where they are too hard. He had me delay the roundout, and the landings were much better. We also practiced landing with minimal flaps and no flaps. The no flaps landings were practice for next Saturday (it is a surprise, I'll tell you next weekend). We also practiced a slips to a landing and emergency landings. My best landing of the day was when Mike pulled the power abeam of the numbers and I had to land without power. It was at the end, and I think I was concentrating more. Overall, I think the landing practice was really worthwhile, as I had lost a little of the proper technique. The really interesting thing (in an annoying way), though, was the traffic at the airport while we were practicing landings. Now, when you are doing touch and goes, you tend to spend a lot of time flying the pattern. Normally, planes coming in to land should enter the pattern with you and basically play follow the leader down to the runway. Today, however, everyone decided that they didn't need to do that. Everyone was flying straight in on long finals. This is not really how it is supposed to be done, but at airports without a control tower, the pilots determine what happens. Usually, everyone plays nice together and it all works. But not today. The thing that makes a long, straight in final difficult, is that it is hard to judge how long the incoming plane will take to get to the runway. And, you must decide if you can fit in ahead of that plane or have to get behind him. And then, on top of that, people were calling out straight in finals from the south when we were landing to the east! If you are already south, you can enter the pattern without difficulty. Mike says that the snowbirds are back down, and lots of them are not familiar with the airport or have not flown in a while and are rusty. That is probably true, and it was good practice in dealing with the unexpected. But it was still annoying! OK, rant is over. Tomorrow I am flying to Okechobee and then Ft. Myers. After I land at Ft. Myers, I am going to meet my Dad for lunch. After lunch, I will return to F45. It should be a fun flight, since this will be one of my frequent destinations once I have my license. The weather looks like it will be clear skies and a light wind from the north. ![]()
11/11/07 Long Cross Country I met Mike at 9:00 am so he could look over my flight plan and endorse my logbook for the cross country flight. It took a little longer than I thought it should, so I didn't get off the ground until 10:00. I had originally planned for 9:30, but I figured I would be OK since I had the plane reserved until 2:00 pm. The first leg of my flight was to Okeechobee. It was only 42 nm away. It was a pretty easy leg, since the main road the North County airport is on (Bee Line Highway) goes directly to the city of Okechobee and nearly directly to the airport. All I did was follow the road to the airport. I tried to get flight following, but Palm Beach Approach did not answer me. Or maybe I called on the wrong frequency. I didn't try too hard, since the longer I spent trying to get it, the less I needed it. The entire flight to Okechobee was only 27 minutes. I flew the whole leg at 2500 feet. Okechobee is usually a very busy airport, since it has some of the cheapest fuel in the area. When I arrived, there was no one in the pattern, and I just came right in and landed. The landing was pretty good. I exited at the first taxiway and made my way back to the end of the runway. I guess everyone started waking up by then, since there were now two planes ahead of me waiting to take off by the time I got back to the departure end. It ended up taking about ten extra minutes to get off the ground again. I took back off and headed southeast. Since the Ft. Myers airport (Page Field) is under the Class C shelf for Southwest Florida Regional airport, I decided to approach Ft. Myers from the east instead of flying directly southeast to the airport. So I planned a route that took me to the Labelle VOR antenna first, and then west towards Ft. Myers. Once I got close, the control tower would vector me into the airport under the shelf. After leaving Okechobee, I first attempted to get Miami Center for traffic advisories. Once again, I couldn't raise them. I am starting to think I am doing something wrong. The hard part with the traffic advisories, is that the controllers only have to do them on a workload permitting basis. So, if they are busy, they don't do it. However, they are not required to tell you they can't do it. Usually, when you get on the radio and ask, they just ignore you if they can't do it. But that leaves you wondering if you called the correct frequency or if they are just busy. Anyway, I tried a few times and gave up. 2500 feet worked good for the first leg, so I used that same altitude the rest of the way to Ft. Myers. Since I was flying to a VOR, I tuned the VOR radio into the station and set the display to the radial I wanted to follow. Then I practiced following it in. The VORs have specific frequencies at each degree, so by using the display you can fly a pretty accurate course. The display tells you if you are off course, and which side you are off. I had to cross the line a couple times until I got everything lined up properly. I was so busy getting on course, that I missed most of my landmarks on this leg. Just as I was thinking I must have missed the VOR antenna, I saw it. The VOR antennas look kind of like a big, white bowling pin in a field, so they are relatively easy to spot if you are looking for them. Once I got over the VOR, I turned west to basically stay north of the Caloosahatchee River. My next landmark was the I-75 bridge over the river in Ft. Myers. It is a pretty big bridge and easy to see from the air. That bridge was about 10 nm from the airport, so when I reached it I called the tower. They told me to call mid-field on the downwind leg for runway 05. Well, actually she said, "6641 Hotel, call midfield downwind for 05." But that doesn't make sense unless you have take some flying lessons. Anyway, I headed directly for the airport. Since I used to live in Ft. Myers and was pretty familiar with the area, I figured I would have no problem flying directly to the field. However, the airport is entirely surrounded by the city, and from 10 miles out, it was difficult to pick it out. So I just went the direction the GPS told me, figuring I would see it when I got close. By the way, the GPS in this plane just gives you bearing and distance to the field, it isn't one of those fancy moving map ones you see everywhere now. When I got about five miles from the airport, I spotted it. As it turned out, it was pretty easy to see, since it was a big field in the middle of the city. I flew to the downwind leg, which was basically the way I was going, and before I could say I was there, the tower told me I was cleared to land. I turned on the base leg and flew over my mothers house (Hi Mom!), but I was too busy to pick out the exact house and take a picture of it. I turned final and approached the field for a landing. I had all the power out, but was still a little high, so I slipped the plane down. Good thing we practiced that yesterday! The landing was pretty good here also. I taxiied off the runway and called ground control. I told them where I was headed and they asked if I needed directions. I said yes, please! Then they told me it was basically in front of me. It's not that big of an airport. As I pulled up, I saw my Dad waiting for me. I had pre-arraigned for him to meet me for lunch. I parked the plane and shut down the engine. It was noon. I had planned on being here by 11:30. It looks like I might be late getting back! The first thing I did once I got out of the plane was check the fuel level. I wanted to make sure I had enough to get back. If not, I would have the FBO fill it up while we ate lunch. There was 15 gallons left. That was plenty. I went inside and asked the lady at counter if I needed to do anything with the plane. She said no, if it was in the way they would move it. Cool. We went to lunch at Hops, around the corner from the airport. When I looked at the menu, I decided I better have my first $100 hamburger, so I ordered one for lunch! For those of you who have not heard the phrase before, $100 hamburgers are what they call it when you get in your plane and fly somewhere to have lunch. It is called that because it cost you $100 to go somewhere for a hamburger (they still call it that even if you order something else). Anyway, I have now had my first official one.
Lunch was pretty quick, but we got back to the airport at
about 1:15. The FBO had moved the plane, but they also tied it down for
me. Nice! I did a quick preflight and got ready to leave. The one nice
thing about the Ft. Myers airport, is that they can set you up for flight
following before you take off. When I called up ground control, I told
them I wanted the flight following. While I was taxiing to the departure
end of the runway, they gave me my squawk code and told me what the first
frequency I would need once I took off.
Unlike my trip back from Labelle, where I could only fly at
1500 feet to stay under the clouds, this trip was easy to do at 2500.
There were scattered clouds at 3000 feet, and I decided I really didn't
want to try and climb above them. If I remember correctly, I think I
calculated on my Labelle trip that I needed 3000 feet to be able to safely
glide without an engine across Lake Okechobee. I decided that it would
only be a few minutes where that would happen this time, and I didn't feel
like diverting around the south end of the lake, so I just went directly
over. It was really nothing.
The rest of the way was uneventful, and North County was
hardly busy at all, especially compared to yesterday. I came in for a
landing and did my worst landing of the day. I dropped down pretty hard,
but nothing broke and I didn't bounce back up, so it wasn't that
bad. I taxiied back and shut down the plane. I collected my stuff from the
plane and tied it down. My next lesson is Thursday night, where Mike and I will go over the questions I missed on the written exam and do a little prep for the oral exam. ![]() 11/16/07 Oral Exam Prep When I arrived at the airport, Mike asked if I had eaten dinner yet. I hadn't so he suggested we go do the ground lesson in a restaurant, since he was hungry. That sounded like a good idea, so we went. Once we sat down in the restaurant, Mike said he left his wallet at home today, and if I bought dinner for him, he wouldn't charge me for the ground lesson. Hmmm. I agreed, since I was going to pay for his dinner anyway. I wasn't sure if he was trying to put one over on me, or he just forgot to mention that before we left the airport. Oh well, as it turned out it saved me money, anyway. Tonights lesson was to review what I missed on the written test and to start preparing for the oral exam part of the checkride. First, we reviewed what I missed on the written exam. Unfortunately, it has been a month (I think), since I took it, and I couldn't remember what each question was that I missed. Instead, we just went over some of the types of questions that were in those sections. That is all the examiner will do, anyway. Then Mike pulled out the "gouge" for the examiner. I don't know if this is aviation slang or a generic term I have never heard before, but apparently a "gouge" is a cheat-sheet. So this "gouge" came from many students relating to the school what the examiner asked. So it gave you a pretty good idea of the stuff you should study. We worked our way through the questions while we ate. Near the end of the lesson, as we were reviewing some of the questions, the couple sitting at the next table answered one of Mike's questions! As it turned out, the husband was a pilot and the wife was taking lessons. That was a funny coincidence! We had a short conversation with them on where everyone was in their training before we wrapped it up for the night. Before we left, Mike and I reviewed the flight plan for tomorrow's "special" flight. My next "lesson" is tomorrow afternoon. ![]() 11/17/07 John Buys a Plane Why did I buy a plane to rent to other "student" pilots? This is a question you see quite frequently online. Generally, rental planes are seen as a bad deal in the aviation world. But I believe if you approach it from the proper perspective, it can make sense. First, you need to buy a plane others will want to rent, not one you would like to own. There is a difference, since renters are looking for different things than owners. Someone who is not taking the renter's needs into account will not rent the plane enough to make it wortk while. Those are also the people who are upset when a renter messes up "their" plane. Those are some of the reasons why I bought a Cessna 152. It is not the fastest plane available. But it is relatively inexpensive, and fairly robust. Those are things that make it a good rental. I have been renting a 152 for flying lessons because it is the cheapest plane to rent. Up until now, it was the only 152 available, so it was constantly booked. This makes it difficult to schedule, and force many students into the 172, since there are more available and therefore more likely to be available. So, being one of those people who constantly have to either plan ahead, or wait for the plane to become available, I saw a market opportunity. If it rents a lot, the advantages for me are basically free flying (from the profits). I will still have to schedule to use it, but if I didn't own the plane, I would be renting a 152 and still having to schedule it. Plus, as the owner, I don't have daily minimums for renting it, making it much less expensive. Enough background, here is what I did today. Since I had only been up once in this plane for a ride before (and because I don't have my pilots license yet), I wanted to bring Mike with me in case there were any issues. He had a lesson from 7-9 in the morning, so we could leave after that. The second issue was how to get to the plane. Luckily, it was at Orlando Executive Airport, so it really wasn't that far away. I looked into having someone fly us up there, but it would turn out to be very expensive, since I would have to rent a plane and a pilot roundtrip to drop us off. Plus, I would be paying for Mike's time. I mentioned this problem to someone I work with, and he happened to be driving to Georgia for the beginning of his vacation. He had a couple extra seats, and agreed to drop us off in Orlando on his way. Mike and I met Jim (the guy from work) and his wife at 9:20 by the Turnpike. After an uneventful 2-1/2 hour drive, we arrive at Orlando Executive at noon. We met the seller and Mike and I looked over the logbooks and made sure all the paperwork was in order. Then we talked with the seller for a while. He was a nice guy, although he travels for work quite a bit, which slowed down the buying process a little. Anyway, he is planning on buying a bigger plane next year. We spent more time hanging out with him than I thought we would, so we weren't ready to leave until after 1 pm. Before leaving, I checked how much gas was in the tanks, and the seller unfortunately did not fill them for us. I thought the gas at North County was expensive until I saw the price at ORL. It was $5.88/gal! Of course now, as a airplane owner, I had to pay the fuel bill. I decided to only put 10 gallons in, which would give us about 20 gallons total in the tanks. As I was paying for the gas at the FBO, the girl behind the counter asked if I wanted to use the credit card already on file. I thought about it for a second, but decided to just pay for it myself instead of making the seller pay for it. I'm such a nice guy! Before we left, I had Mike take a picture of me with my new plane:
The plane is equipped with an RNAV radio, which neither Mike nor myself had ever used before. Last night I found the owners manual online and printed it out. While I flew the plane, Mike figured out how to use it. It is pretty simple, you just tune in a VOR antenna, and set the direction and distance from the VOR of the point you want to get to. Then it gives you a heading to fly on the VOR display, and the RNAV display tells you your groundspeed and ETA to the point. It worked really well, and brought us directly over North County at the end of the trip. It is basically what pwople did before GPS. The only real difference between the non-graphical GPS in 41H and the RNAV in 98M, is that you can set the GPS to your destination at any time. Since VORs can only reach out 40 miles, you have to update the RNAV along the way. Other than that, they both do the same thing. We arrived at North County around 3pm, and I pulled it up on the ramp next to 41H so we could compare them. Then I spent the rest of the afternoon showing it to everyone who wanted to look at it. Even though it is not a new plane, it is in pretty good shape. There are a few things that need to be fixed before I want to start renting it out. Since next week is Thanksgiving week, I won't be able to get much done on it. So it looks like I will be able to put it on line the last week of the month. In the meantime, there is no reason I can't fly it. So my next lesson, tomorrow, we will use my plane. Neat-o! ![]() 11/18/07 The Rest of the Maneuvers Today's lesson would be with Mike practicing the rest of the
maneuvers we didn't get to last weekend. This would also be my first
lesson in my new plane. I was a little nervous about that, since I wasn't
sure if it would fly differently that 41H did. Logically, I didn't think
it would, since all airplanes of a certain model are supposed to be built
the same. But, this plane is 27 years old, and who knows what has been
done to it over the years.